Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Everyone needs to go check out this website, they have anything and everything sports related on this website, so go check it out today if you buy something tell them that I sent you....

Saturday, June 9, 2012


So hey everyone just thought that I had better write something else so I did not neglect my blog...So right now I have not been shopping much for makeup or clothes or nothing because it is taking everything that I got to pay my being the responsible person I am now I pay bills..I am not gonna sit here and lie if it was 4 or 5 years ago I would of took my bill money and went splurged on makeup and clothes and just move in with my family..But living with family is so so hard,I love my family so much but when you live with them and have to see them all day everyday it isn't pretty..I got to where I hated living with my family because I had to wake up when they wanted me to and go to bed when they want me to so I will just pay my bills and my boyfriend starts work on Monday so we will be alright when he starts working again..He lost his job about 3 months ago and it is been really hard but you all do not want to hear about all that..

Makeup World

Alright I admit I do have enough makeup to do me the rest of my life...Here in KY women and/or men just don't understand or I take that back just the ones I have met just does not care about makeup the way I do,,that is one reason I really don't have any friends that are girls here because they just don't have the same passion I do about makeup,beauty,etc. like we worshippers of makeup do..Most girls or boys that come into my house and see all my collection just look in awe like oh my god this girl is a hoarder of beauty related items...For example about a month or two ago my boyfriend's mother came over my house and came into my bedrooom and said oh my gosh look how much lotion you have and I just stared at her then back at all my lotion collection which contains anything from drugstore to Victoria's Secret,,but all I could keep thinking was you think this is alot because this is nothing what I would love to have,,if it was up to me and my bank account allowed it I would have so much more...All I said was This is not alot and I like changing up my lotion and everything else and having variety,different smells,textures,and bottles..Then she proceeds to say Well you know this is going to ruin don't you and I am looking at her like alright so is she saying this because she thinks my lotion is going to ruin or is she saying this so I will volunteer and say oh here take some of my $10 lotion or here lets throw in a $15 dollar bottle and oh yeah by the way this is limited editon,,,but I just stood there letting her vent about what she thought about having too much lotion and that they was no way in heaven I could use all of it before it ruined...All that kept running through my head was well when it gets runny and watery then i will be sure to let you have it all...
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